%define _initddir %{_sysconfdir}/init.d %define _vzdir /vz %define _scriptdir %{_libexecdir}/vzctl/scripts %define _configdir %{_sysconfdir}/vz %define _vpsconfdir %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/vz-scripts %define _netdir %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/network-scripts %define _distconfdir %{_configdir}/dists %define _distscriptdir %{_distconfdir}/scripts # Some older systems have sharedstatedir as /usr/com %define _sharedstatedir /var/lib Summary: OpenVZ containers control utility Name: vzctl Version: 4.9.1 %define rel 1 Release: %{rel}%{?dist} License: GPLv2+ Group: System Environment/Kernel Source: http://download.openvz.org/utils/%{name}/%{version}/src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 ExclusiveOS: Linux BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) Requires: vzkernel Requires: vzeventmod URL: http://openvz.org/ Requires: /sbin/chkconfig Requires: vzquota >= 3.1 Requires: fileutils Requires: vzctl-core = %{version}-%{release} Requires: tar Requires: vzstats Conflicts: ploop-lib <= 1.12.2-1 BuildRequires: ploop-devel > 1.12.2-1 BuildRequires: libxml2-devel >= 2.6.16 BuildRequires: libcgroup-devel >= 0.37 # requires for vzmigrate purposes Requires: rsync Requires: gawk Requires: openssh Requires: bridge-utils # Virtual provides for newer RHEL6 kernel Provides: virtual-vzkernel-install = 2.0.0 %description This utility allows system administrators to control Linux containers, i.e. create, start, shutdown, set various options and limits etc. %prep %setup -q %build CFLAGS="%{optflags}" %configure \ vzdir=%{_vzdir} \ --enable-bashcomp \ --enable-logrotate \ --disable-static make %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf %{buildroot} make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} vpsconfdir=%{_vpsconfdir} \ install install-redhat-from-spec ln -s ../sysconfig/vz-scripts %{buildroot}%{_configdir}/conf ln -s ../vz/vz.conf %{buildroot}/etc/sysconfig/vz # Needed for %ghost in %files section below touch %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/vz touch %{buildroot}/etc/sysconfig/vzeventd mkdir %{buildroot}/etc/modprobe.d touch %{buildroot}/etc/modprobe.d/openvz.conf # This could go to vzctl-lib-devel, but since we don't have it... rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libvzctl.la rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libvzctl.so rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libvzchown.la rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libvzchown.so.* %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %dir %{_scriptdir} %{_scriptdir}/initd-functions %{_initddir}/vz %{_initddir}/vzeventd %{_sbindir}/vzeventd %{_sbindir}/vzsplit %{_sbindir}/vzlist %{_sbindir}/vzmemcheck %{_sbindir}/vzcpucheck %{_sbindir}/vznetcfg %{_sbindir}/vznetaddbr %{_sbindir}/vzcalc %{_sbindir}/vzcptcheck %{_sbindir}/vzfsync %{_sbindir}/vznnc %{_sbindir}/vzpid %{_sbindir}/vzcfgvalidate %{_sbindir}/vzmigrate %{_sbindir}/vzifup-post %{_sbindir}/vzoversell %{_sbindir}/vzubc %{_netdir}/ifup-venet %{_netdir}/ifdown-venet %{_netdir}/ifcfg-venet0 %{_mandir}/man8/vzeventd.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzmigrate.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzcptcheck.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzfsync.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vznnc.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzsplit.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzcfgvalidate.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzmemcheck.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzcalc.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzpid.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzcpucheck.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vztmpl-dl.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzubc.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzlist.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/vzifup-post.8.* %{_sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/* %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/* %config /etc/sysconfig/vz %ghost %config(missingok) /etc/sysconfig/vzeventd %ghost %config(missingok) /etc/modprobe.d/openvz.conf %post /bin/rm -rf /dev/vzctl /bin/mknod -m 600 /dev/vzctl c 126 0 /sbin/chkconfig --add vz > /dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/chkconfig --add vzeventd > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then NET_CFG='ifdown-venet ifup-venet' if ! grep -q -E "^alias venet0" /etc/modprobe.conf; then echo "alias venet0 vznet" >> /etc/modprobe.conf fi ln -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-venet0 /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-venet0 for file in ${NET_CFG}; do ln -sf /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/${file} /etc/sysconfig/network/scripts/${file} done fi # Install a symlink to vzifup-post if [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then ln -sf %{_sbindir}/vzifup-post /etc/sysconfig/network/if-up.d/ else # RedHat/Fedora/CentOS case if [ ! -e /sbin/ifup-local ]; then ln -sf %{_sbindir}/vzifup-post /sbin/ifup-local elif readlink /sbin/ifup-local | fgrep -q %{_sbindir}/vzifup-post; then : # Nothing to do, symlink already points to our script else echo " WARNING: file /sbin/ifup-local is present!" echo " You have to manually edit the above file so that" echo " it calls %{_sbindir}/vzifup-post" fi fi # Some use /var/lib/vz instead of /vz; create a compatibility symlink test -a %{_sharedstatedir}/vz || ln -s ../..%{_vzdir} %{_sharedstatedir}/vz # (Upgrading from <= vzctl-3.0.24) # If vz is running and vzeventd is not, start it if %{_initddir}/vz status >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! %{_initddir}/vzeventd status >/dev/null 2>&1; then %{_initddir}/vzeventd start fi fi # Disable VE0 conntracks if they are not used (#2755) file='/etc/modprobe.d/openvz.conf' line='options nf_conntrack ip_conntrack_disable_ve0' if ! grep -wq 'ip_conntrack_disable_ve0' /etc/modprobe.d/* 2>/dev/null; then cat << EOF ============================================================================ EOF if /sbin/iptables -L -n -t nat | grep -qEw 'SNAT|DNAT|MASQUERADE'; then # conntracks are used disable=0 elif /sbin/iptables -L -n | grep -qEw 'state|ctstate'; then disable=0 else disable=1 cat << EOF Due to conntrack impact on venet performance, conntrack need to be disabled on the host system (it will still work for containers). EOF fi echo "$line=$disable" >> $file cat << EOF Adding the following option to $file: $line=$disable This change will take effect only after the next reboot. NOTE: if you need to change this setting, edit $file now. DO NOT REMOVE the line, or it will be re-added! ============================================================================ EOF fi # Run post-install script only when installing test $1 -eq 1 && %{_scriptdir}/vz-postinstall selinux %{_scriptdir}/vz-postinstall yum exit 0 %preun if [ $1 = 0 ]; then /sbin/chkconfig --del vz >/dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/chkconfig --del vzeventd >/dev/null 2>&1 sed -i -e '/^exclude=kernel$/d' \ -e '/^# Added by OpenVZ/d' /etc/yum.conf fi %package core Summary: OpenVZ containers control utility core Group: System Environment/Kernel Requires: libxml2 Obsoletes: vzctl-lib # these reqs are for vz helper scripts Requires: bash Requires: gawk Requires: sed Requires: grep # requires for bash_completion and vztmpl-dl Requires: wget %description core OpenVZ containers control utility core package %files core %{_libdir}/libvz*.so %dir %{_vzdir}/lock %dir %{_vzdir}/dump %dir %{_vzdir}/private %dir %{_vzdir}/root %dir %{_vzdir}/template/cache %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/vzctl/veip %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/vzctl/vzreboot %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/vzctl/vepid %dir %{_configdir} %dir %{_configdir}/names %dir %{_vpsconfdir} %dir %{_distconfdir} %dir %{_distscriptdir} %dir %{_vzdir} %ghost %{_sharedstatedir}/vz %{_sbindir}/vzctl %{_sbindir}/arpsend %{_sbindir}/ndsend %{_sbindir}/vztmpl-dl %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/vzctl %{_distconfdir}/distribution.conf-template %{_distconfdir}/default %{_distscriptdir}/*.sh %{_distscriptdir}/functions %{_mandir}/man8/vzctl.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/arpsend.8.* %{_mandir}/man8/ndsend.8.* %{_mandir}/man5/ctid.conf.5.* %{_mandir}/man5/vz.conf.5.* %dir %{_libexecdir}/vzctl %dir %{_libexecdir}/vzctl/scripts %{_scriptdir}/vps-functions %{_scriptdir}/vps-net_add %{_scriptdir}/vps-net_del %{_scriptdir}/vps-netns_dev_add %{_scriptdir}/vps-netns_dev_del %{_scriptdir}/vps-create %{_scriptdir}/vzevent-stop %{_scriptdir}/vzevent-reboot %{_scriptdir}/vps-pci %{_scriptdir}/vps-prestart %{_scriptdir}/vps-cpt %{_scriptdir}/vps-rst %{_scriptdir}/vps-rst-env %{_scriptdir}/vz-postinstall %{_configdir}/conf %config(noreplace) %{_configdir}/vz.conf %config(noreplace) %{_configdir}/osrelease.conf %config(noreplace) %{_configdir}/download.conf %config(noreplace) %{_configdir}/oom-groups.conf %config(noreplace) %{_distconfdir}/*.conf %config %{_vpsconfdir}/ve-basic.conf-sample %config %{_vpsconfdir}/ve-light.conf-sample %config %{_vpsconfdir}/ve-vswap-256m.conf-sample %config %{_vpsconfdir}/ve-vswap-512m.conf-sample %config %{_vpsconfdir}/ve-vswap-1024m.conf-sample %config %{_vpsconfdir}/ve-vswap-1g.conf-sample %config %{_vpsconfdir}/ve-vswap-2g.conf-sample %config %{_vpsconfdir}/ve-vswap-4g.conf-sample %config %{_vpsconfdir}/0.conf %post core /sbin/ldconfig %postun core /sbin/ldconfig %changelog * Thu Apr 30 2015 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.9.1-1 - create_hardlink_dir(): fix wrong owner/perms case (#3222) - vzctl.spec: drop the "Conflicts: vzkernel" (#3219) * Wed Apr 22 2015 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.9-1 - New functionality and important changes: -- vzmigrate: check CPU caps for suspended CT -- suse-{add,del}_ip.sh: support for IP mask -- vz.conf: allow list of interfaces in NEIGHBOUR_DEVS (#1289, #3192) -- Introduce funtoo-set_hostname (#3097) -- vz-postinstall: add a way to disable stock distro kernels from repos -- vzctl set --devnodes|--devices: made cumulative, fix -- vzctl set --devnodes: remove devices from CT -- vzctl start/resume: load kernel modules needed for CT -- vzctl create: disallow VE_PRIVATE be a mount point (#3166) -- vzevent: try to run a script for all known events -- vzctl restore|resume: add --skip-fsck - Fixes: -- redhat-add_ip.sh: support for Fedora 21 and RHEL/CentOS 7.1 (#3169) -- vzctl snapshot-delete: ignore ploop 'no guid found' -- suse-add_ip.sh: fix for venet routing in SUSE 13.2 -- osrelease.conf: add suse 13.2 -- vzctl chkpnt: workaround for ENOSPC -- ct_enter(): enter mnt namespace last (#3038) -- vzmigrate: fix for vzfsync if VE_PRIVATE differs (#3170) -- init.d/vz-gentoo: fix a typo -- vzctl.spec: fix iptables checking for RHEL5 (#2755) -- vzmigrate: use DUMPDIR for CT dump (#3054) -- vzmigrate: don't hardcode /vz/lock, use LOCKDIR (#2976) -- vzmigrate: use C locale (#3049) -- vzlist: fix cpuunits rounding (#3120) -- snapshot-switch --must-restore: fix restoring config -- fs_create: lock private -- vps_create: minor fixes to cleanup logic -- make_dir_mode(): ignore EEXIST from mkdir() -- vzlist -j: output valid JSON for no CTs -- init.d/vz-redhat: fix exit codes according to LSB (#3195) - Improvements: -- vzmigrate: random ports for ploop copy (#3052) -- vzctl start: close extra fds later (#3091) -- vzctl start: mkdir /proc in CT if needed (#3091) -- vzctl create: fix an error message -- vzctl.spec: require recent RHEL6 kernel (#3094) -- init.d/vz*: load pio_kaio -- suse-add_ip.sh: fix a warning -- suse-del_ip.sh: remove venet routes -- init.d/vz-redhat: fix a bashism (#3148) -- vzctl delete: do rm config/dump even if failed to rm VE_PRIVATE -- dists/scripts/{funtoo,gentoo}*: remove env var doc -- debian-add_ip.sh: silent an error -- vzeventd: ignore non-existent event scripts - Documentation: -- vzeventd(8): document new behavior -- vzcptcheck(8): describe caps check w/o CTID -- vz.conf(5): describe new NEIGHBOUR_DEV syntax * Mon Oct 6 2014 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.8-1 - New functionality and important changes: -- vzctl set: add NUMA --nodemask (sponsored by FastVPS) -- vzmigrate: speed up by using se ploop copy with feedback if available -- vzmigrate: speed up by reusing ssh connection -- init.d/vz: show CT stop status -- init.d/vz: implement parallel CT start (#2954, #2084) -- init.d/vz, vz.conf: use/expose VE_PARALLEL -- vzctl start,restore: add --skip-remount -- vzctl snapshot-switch: add --must-restore -- vzmigrate: ability to run ploop copy with timestamps - Fixes: -- vzctl.spec: disable VE0 conntracks only if unused (#2755) -- vzmigrate: fix for --snapshot (#2907) -- vzmigrate: don't run vzfsync if there is no need (#3055) -- vzmigrate: undo_lock if check_cpt_props failed -- vzmigrate: don't exit 1 on success -- vzlist: fix showing DISABLED (#3029) -- vzlist: fix cpulimit rounding (#3063) -- redhat-set_hostname.sh: fix for F15+/RHEL7 (#3051) -- vzctl compact: use built-in PATH (#2990) -- postcreate.sh: fix caps for suexec - Improvements: -- debian-add_ip.sh: support for Ubuntu 14.04 -- postcreate.sh: add RHEL7/CentOS7 support -- vzctl create --diskinodes: check for max ploop size -- vzctl set --ostemplate: require --save (#2909) -- vzmigrate: don't specify default cipher -- vzmigrate: use getopt for option parsing -- vzmigrate: detect "can't lock CT" error -- vzmigrate: don't use rsync --delete-excluded -- cpumask: allow for up to 4096 CPUs -- vz_setcpu(): don't ignore errors from set_cpu* -- fixed a few memory leaks and non-closed fds reported by Coverity -- compare_osrelease(): fix for 3.x kernels -- parse_{chkpnt,restore}_opt: don't print error twice -- parse*opt(): add/improve extra args check -- vzctl create: improve "no ploop" error message - Documentation: -- vznnc(8): add -- vzctl --help: fix iolimit -- vzctl(8): document set --ostemplate (#2909) -- vzctl(8): add --nodemask, --must-restore, --skip-remount -- vzctl(8): improve --netfilter -- vz.conf(5): document VE_PARALLEL -- vzmigrate(8), vzmigrate --help: document --ssh-mux - Build system: -- setver.sh: check for ./configure to run autogen -- setver.sh: abort if autogen.sh/configure fails * Fri May 2 2014 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.7.2-1 - vzlist: don't complain about missing ploop-lib (#2952) - setup_console: don't execute on older kernels (#2961) - clean_hardlink_dir(): note unlink/rmdir errors - vzctl(8): fix a typo * Wed Apr 2 2014 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.7-1 - New functionality and important changes: -- Disable conntrack for VE0 by default (#2755) -- vzctl set --diskspace: add --offline-resize (#2281) -- vzctl create: use ploop by default -- vzctl create, vzctl convert: honor diskinodes for ploop (#2898) -- vzctl create: add --diskinodes -- vzctl set: new option --netfilter to replace --iptables -- vzmigrate: support for copying CT dump file -- vzmigrate: introduce/use vzfsync for ploop (to shorten CT freeze time) -- bash-completion: CTIDs on ploop for compact -- vzctl create: honor MOUNT_OPTS -- vzctl console: add set_console dist script (#2865) -- vzctl snapshot-switch: add --skip_arpdetect option -- vzctl snapshot-switch: add --skip-resume, --skip-config -- vzctl set --diskinodes, DISKINODES: allow suffixes (KMG) -- vzpid: new option "-p" to show in-container PID(s) -- etc/vz.conf: add SKIP_ARPDETECT example -- etc/vz.conf: use ploop by default -- etc/vz.conf: use vswap config by default -- etc/vz.conf: merge IP6TABLES to IPTABLES_MODULES - Fixes: -- vzctl destroy: fix locking (#2814) -- debian-add_ip.sh: setup loopback device at least (#2859) -- vzctl start --wait: fix for non-standard Debian 7 -- postcreate.sh: add Fedora 20+ -- postcreate.sh: set file caps for suse 13.1+ -- vzmigrate: fix ploop for diff VE_PRIVATE case (#2875) -- vzmigrate: hide ploop getdev output -- vzctl status, snapshot-list: don't mess with stdout even when verbose -- vzlist: don't spoil output with ploop messages -- logger.c: fix wrt ploop logging -- etc/network/if-up.d/vzifup-post: fix for Debian Wheezy (#2914) -- hooks_ct.c: bind-mount root to itself (fix for kernel v3.11+) -- hooks_ct: mount /proc and /sys before umounting old root -- bash_completion: replace exit with return -- bash_completion.d: add --quiet to vzctl -- vzmigrate: call vzctl status with --quiet -- vzcptcheck: fix program name in usage - Improvements: -- add_reach_runlevel_mark(): improve error messages -- set(): don't ignore fail from fill_vswap_ub() -- vzctl restore: warn in CPT_SET_LOCKFD2 not supported -- config.c: add SKIP_ARPDETECT to ignored list -- vzmigrate: lock CT locally -- vzmigrate --live: check for running CT earlier -- destroy_dump(): don't log "Removing" if no dump -- etc/conf/*sample: tune DISKINODES for ploop diskspace/diskinodes ratio -- etc/conf/ve-unlimited.conf-sample: remove -- hooks_ct: remove non-working devpts mount -- hooks_ct: mount devtmpfs in CT -- ct_chroot(): do not change a set of CT0's mounts -- parse_netif_str(): improve NETIF= param parsing -- setup_hardlink_dir(): show error if mkdir() failed - Documentation: -- vzctl(8): document MAX_VEID (#2784) -- vzctl --help: fix convert synopsys - Build system: -- setver.sh: rework buildid -- setver.sh: make it work on fresh git source -- autogen.sh, setver.sh: fix build from screwed git repo -- vzctl.spec: require bridge-utils (as we use brctl) * Wed Nov 27 2013 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.6.1-1 - Fixes: -- vzctl set: require swap to be set for VSwap -- fill_vswap_ub(): fix a potential segfault -- ndsend: clear reserved2 field (#2804) -- vzubc: fix to work in old mawk (#2793) -- vzlist: fix bogus CTIDs in list (#2830) -- vzctl start: don't fail if VE_ROOT does not exist (#2807) * Tue Oct 29 2013 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.6-1 - New functionality: -- Add iolimit and iopslimit (need kernel >= 042stab084.2) -- Add optional VM_OVERCOMMIT/--vm_overcommit parameter -- In VSwap mode, set some secondary UBCs if unset: --- lockedpages=oomguarpages=ram --- vmguarpages=ram+swap --- privvmpages=(ram+swap)*vm_overcommit (if set) -- vzoversell: add -- vztmpl-dl: add --list-orphans -- vztmpl-dl: add --quiet/--no-quiet -- vzubc: don't show unlimited ubcs by default; add -v to show -- vzlist: add new fields (vm_overcommit, iolimit, iopslimit) - Fixes: -- Fix quota on ploop for RHEL5 CT -- vzctl console: hack to force redraw on reattach -- set_ublimit(): don't set unknown UBs to unlim (#2760) -- init.d/vzeventd: set reboot_event (#2764) -- arch.conf: add POST_CREATE (#2371) -- configure: fix libdir for Debian/Ubuntu case -- ct_env_create_real(): fix build for IA64 -- vzctl create, vzctl exec: do skip fsck -- init.d/vz-gentoo: fix setting default for NET_MODULES and PLOOP_MODULES -- init.d/vz-redhat: don't reset cpulimits for all CTs - Improvements: -- Add a way to not modify sysctl.conf on installation (#2375) -- vzctl set --reset_ub: only allow for running CT -- init.d/vzeventd-redhat: switch to strict bash -- vz-postinstall: don't add bridge params to sysctl.conf -- vzlist: skip mounted status check if not needed -- vzubc: print errors to stderr -- vzctl start: don't start CT if /proc mount failed -- vzevent-stop: check for suspend/chkpnt -- init.d/vz*: unset io limits before stopping CT -- [build] setver.sh: add build_id, use getopt -- assorted minor code improvements - Documentation: -- vzctl(8), ctid.conf(5): document vm_overcommit -- vzctl(8): fix per-CT action script prefix -- vz.conf(5): LOGFILE don't have a default -- man: don't hardcode configurable paths -- vzlist(8): fix a subsection reference -- vzlist(8): fix indentation * Wed Aug 28 2013 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.5.1-1 - Fixes: -- Fix loading older (<1.9) ploop library (#2719) -- Fix installing rpm for people using /var/lib/vz (#2722) * Fri Aug 23 2013 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.5-1 - New functionality: -- vztmpl-dl: add --upload-all, --ignore-errors -- vztmpl-dl: add --list-remote, --list-local -- vztmpl-dl: do not check GPG signatures by default -- vztmpl-dl: add --gpg-check and --update options -- vz-postinstall: enable iptables for bridges (#2641) -- vz-postinstall: be verbose about what we do -- vzmigrate: support for VE_PRIVATE being a symlink (#2694) - Fixes: -- ndsend: fix option field in sending packets (#2709) -- libvzchown: link to -ldl (#2705) -- vps_create(): save LOCAL_UID/GID=0 if !userns for upstream CT -- vzctl.spec: run vz-postinstall on a fresh install only -- vz-postinstall: do not change rp_filter sysctl -- vzmigrate: remove a bashism -- vzctl create: fix running postcreate action wrt --ostemplate path/tmpl -- vzctl create: use proper version of basename() -- vzdaemon_stop(): don't return error if stopped already -- read_resolv_conf(): fix potential buffer overflow -- vzctl_env_switch_snapshot: fix leak on error path -- vzctl_env_convert_ploop(): check chmod return code - Improvements: -- veth: improve veth random MAC generation (#2695) -- vzctl start: always mount /dev/pts for upstream CT -- vzmigrate: add / to paths for rsync (#2686) -- load_ploop_lib(): load .so.1, try .so too (for ploop-1.9) -- scripts: use VPSCONFDIR instead of PKGCONFDIR/conf -- vzctl.spec: add /var/lib/vz as a symlink to /vz -- vzctl.spec: don't mark symlink as %dir -- vzctl.spec: remove a bunch of defines -- vzctl.spec: use %_sharedstatedir not /var/lib -- vzctl.spec: quote rpm macros -- vzctl.spec: remove extra slashes - Documentation: -- vztmpl-dl: improve usage -- vztmpl-dl(8): describe new options * Wed Jul 17 2013 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.4-1 - New functionality: -- vztmpl-dl script to aid in template downloading/updating -- nameserver/searchdomain auto-propagation from the host (#2301) -- vzctl start: do fsck for ploop, add --skip-fsck (#2615) -- add --stop-timeout/STOP_TIMEOUT option (#2621) -- vzmigrate: use remote VZ_PRIVATE and VE_ROOT (#2523) -- Introduce vz-postinstall script (set sysctl.conf, disable selinux) -- vzmigrate: add -f, ability to ignore some checks (#2643) -- distscripts: update for newer Arch Linux (#2617) -- etc/vz.conf: set default OS template to centos-6-x86 -- etc/vz.conf: comment out NEIGHBOUR_DEVS by default - Fixes: -- vzmigrate: fix check for IPs when there are none (#2620) -- Deny "unlimited" value for DISKSPACE/DISKINODES -- scripts/vps-netns_dev_add: rework config action (#2637) -- vzctl convert: fix final renames (#2638) -- vzctl convert: rename old private back if failed (#2638) -- vzctl convert: fix new directory mode to be 0700 not 0600 -- scripts/vps-rst: make VE_VETH_DEVS optional (#2659) -- fix compilation on arches without support for VZ (RH #971821) -- vzlist -j: fix to work on RHEL5 kernel (#2661) -- fix exec to really enter into pidns on upstream kernel (#2658) -- debian-add_ip.sh: ignore comments when looking for venet0 (#2674) -- destroydir(): don't return -1 -- create.c: fix warnings compiling w/o ploop -- build fix for automake < 1.10.2 - Improvements: -- vzmigrate: check ipv6 module on dest (#2555) -- Remove check for ploop size (let ploop decide) -- vzmigrate: improve invalid cmdline handling -- [build] configure: set localstatedir to w/o prefix (#2637#c2) - Documentation: -- add vztmpl-dl(8) -- vzctl(8), vz.conf(5), ctid.conf(5): "inherit" for nameserver/searchdomain -- vzctl(8): describe new options --skip-fsck, --stop-timeout -- vzmigrate(8): describe new option -f/--nodeps -- vzmigrate(8): remove duplicate --live option description -- vzmigrate --help: simplify synopsys * Mon Jun 3 2013 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.3.1-1 - New functionality: -- vzctl restore with CRIU: restore veth devices - Fixes: -- vzmigrate: fix a typo leading to missing `]' warning (harmless) -- configure.ac: set _GNU_SOURCE for older autoconf -- vzctl stop: don't kill CT right away if halt exited with 1 -- vzctl restore/start: fix running mount script (#2603) -- vps_start_custom(): close old_wait_p fds -- stat_file(): print error if other than ENOENT -- vzctl snapshot-switch: do apply config saved on snapshot -- vzctl snapshot-switch: don't remove dump file -- fix checking stat_file() return code -- vzctl create: umount ploop device if interrupted -- src/snapshot.c: log errno after failed rename -- vzctl start/destroy: fix criu dump removal -- vzctl restore: synchronize criu with vzctl -- vzctl --help: fix copyright years - Improvements: -- logger(): don't spoil errno -- Macro GET_DUMP_FILE is internal, move to .c -- is_vzquota_available(): use access() and check for x bit -- stat_file(): use access() instead of stat() -- vzctl_env_[u]mount_snapshot: rm guid check -- vzctl_env_create_snapshot(): explicitly specify guid on rollback -- vzctl_env_switch_snapshot(): rework using ploop_switch_snapshot_ex() -- vzctl restore: more consistent error printing - Documentation: -- man: fix pages' dates * Fri May 24 2013 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.3-1 - New functionality: -- vzctl enter/exec now works for upstream kernel 3.8+ -- vzctl snapshot-[u]mount -- user namespace support for upstream kernel 3.9+ -- vzctl suspend/resume: support upstream 3.x kernel via CRIU (http://criu.org) -- vzmigrate: add compatibility pre-checks for CPT version and CPU flags -- Add vzstats dependency to rpm package - Improvements: -- vzctl: introduce cleanup handler mechanism, use for ploop, scripts etc. -- vzctl start: add pre-start dist script -- vzctl start: remove dumpfile on successful start -- vzmigrate: add -o BatchMode=yes to SSH_OPTIONS -- vzctl console: recognize ESC as a first character -- add vzctl itself to OOM group configuration -- bash-completion: add vzctl snapshot-list options -- bash-completion: add vzctl snapshot-* --id/--uuid argument -- vzctl set --reset_ub: make exclusive -- vzctl set: on fail don't warn about missing --save -- etc/init.d/vz*: try to run vzstats -- vzmigrate: add --check-only (aka --dry-run) -- Move container private area check after executing premount scripts - Fixes: -- vzctl snapshot-list -o desc,device: fix width -- vzmigrate: fix ploop-based CT migration wrt symlinks -- vzmigrate: improve a few log messages -- vzmigrate: fix and optimize IP address checks -- vzmigrate: fix checking rsync/vzctl exit code -- vps_destroy_dir(): don't call quota on ploop CT -- suse-add_ip.sh: remove a bogus warning in no IPs case -- src/lib/cpt.c:restore_fn(): log errno -- Many (about 40) fixes here and there, found by Coverity -- destroydir(): log errno -- vzctl set 0 ... --force: don't SEGV on non-ovz kernel -- vzctl set --force: require --save -- vzctl set --diskspace: require --save for ploop -- vps-download: fix config file in --config output -- vzlist -o vswap: fix -- vzctl start: fix ub limits setting for upstream containers -- vzctl restore: don't run action scripts -- Fix checking vps_is_mounted() return value -- Remove more traces of noatime flag - Documentation: -- vzcptcheck(8): added -- vzctl(8): note vzctl set --name requires --save -- vzctl(8): improve --setmode description -- vzctl(8): fix and improve description of set --userpasswd -- vzctl(8): document snapshot-mount, snapshot-umount -- vzctl(8): document --local-gid, local-uid -- distribution.conf-template: document PRE_START -- other fixes and improvements * Fri Feb 15 2013 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.2-1 - New functionality: -- Support for Fedora 18 in container (devices, disk quota, venet IPs, caps) -- vzctl snapshot-list: add options a la vzlist (see --help or man for details) - Improvements: -- vzctl create: allow existing empty VE_PRIVATE (#2450) -- vzctl stop/reboot: disable fsync in CT -- vzctl: fix check for VEID_MAX -- vzctl --ipadd: IPv6 support for etcnet (ALT Linux) (#2482) -- vzlist: more strict check for cmdline-supplied CTIDs -- vzlist: warn/skip invalid CTIDs in ve.conf files (#2514) -- vzevent: do umount CT in case of reboot (#2507) -- init.d/vz-redhat: stop vz earlier (#2478) -- init.d/vz-gentoo: don't call tools by absolute path (#2477) -- vzubc: add -wt option (add -t to invoked watch) (#2474) -- vzubc: remove check for watch presence -- vzctl.spec: cleanups, fixes, improvements -- vzctl set --devnodes: add /usr/lib/udev/devices -- minor code cleanups - Fixes: -- vzlist: fix segfault for ploop-based CT with no DISKINODES set (#2488) -- vzlist --json: fix showing disk usage for non-running CTs -- vzlist -o cpus: do not overwrite runtime value -- vzlist --json: skip collecting numcpu info on old kernel -- vzubc: fix -w/-c check - Documentation: -- man/*: correct path to scripts -- vzctl(8): add missing CTID to SYNOPSYS -- vzctl(8): document new snapshot-list options * Tue Jan 1 2013 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.1.2-1 - Regressions: -- etc/init.d/vz-gentoo: fix missing VZREBOOTDIR (#2467) -- fix extra arguments parsing by add-on modules (#2428) -- do not whine about unknown VE_STOP_MODE parameter - Bug fixes: -- load_ploop_lib(): prevent buffer overflow with newer ploop-lib * Fri Dec 7 2012 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.1.1-1 - Regressions: -- etc/init.d/vz*: fix accidental start of all CTs (#2424) -- etc/init.d/vz*: do not auto-start CTs marked with ONBOOT=no (#2456) -- init.d/vz*: only apply oom score if appropriate /proc file exist (#2423) - Fixes: -- vzctl set --devnodes: add /usr/lib/udev/devices -- vzlist --json: skip collecting numcpu info on old kernel - Improvements: -- vz.conf, init.d/vz*: support for VE_STOP_MODE global parameter (#2432) -- enable build for architectures not supported by OpenVZ kernel -- vzlist: show if onboot field is unset - Documentation: -- vz.conf(5): describe VE_STOP_MODE -- vzctl(8), ctid.conf(5): fix ONBOOT/--onboot description * Thu Nov 1 2012 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.1-1 - New features - * etc/init.d/vz: restore running containers after reboot (#781) - * etc/init.d/vz: faster restart by doing CT suspend instead of stop (#2325) - * vzctl start: try to restore CT first if default dump file exists - * Add OOM adjustments configuration (see /etc/vz/oom-groups.conf) - * If a CT is locked, show pid and cmdline of a locker - * vzctl snapshot: add --skip-config option - * vzctl: add 'suspend' and 'resume' aliases (for 'chkpnt' and 'restore') - Fixes - * vzctl snapshot: fix storing CT config file - * vzctl snapshot-switch: fix restoring CT config file - * vps-create: fix checking needed disk space (#2413) - * vzctl set --mount_opts: fix a segfault (#2385) - * suse-add_ip.sh: only set default route if there is no other (#2376) - * set_userpass.sh: fix a bashism (#2403) - * etc/init.d/vz*: eliminate "Container(s) not found" msg - * etc/init.d/vz*: fix vzlist invocation in stop_ve(s) - * etc/init.d/vz-redhat: mark more local vars as such - * vzctl_resize_image(): initialize ploop_resize_param - * getlockpid(): fix potential buffer overflow - * Do not call xmlCleanupParser() from vzctl - * Fixed compilation with libcgroup-0.37-r2 (#2370) - * Properly return errors in cgroup_init() (#2372) - * Print failures in ct_do_open directly to stderr - * vzeventd: do process -h option - Improvements - * etc/init.d/vz* stop: set cpuunits for all CTs at once - * vzctl snapshot*: improve --id parameter parsing - * vzctl umount: handle the case when CT have deleted mount points - * vzevent-stop: add workaround for Fedora 17 reboot problem (#2336) - * vzctl restore: do not print "Starting container" - * vzctl restore: print 'restore failed' not 'start failed' - * scripts/vps-download: fix bogus warning from checkbashisms - * vzctl_merge_snapshot(): simplify return code handling - * Simplify ct_chroot() (no need to umount each mount point) - Documentation - * vzctl(8): improved vzctl create --layout/--diskspace description - * vzctl(8): improve --diskspace description - * vzctl(8): disambiguate 'it' in snapshot-switch description - Build system - * configure: add ability to alter /vz path (#421) - * src/Makefile.am: fix building with builddir != srcdir (#2375) - * Makefile.am: use AM_CPPFLAGS (not AM_CFLAGS) - * properly propagate /var/lib/vzctl/veip dir - * setver.sh: restore original configure.ac and vzctl.spec if building - * setver.sh: clean up dist tarball (if building) and rpms (if installing) - * setver.sh: add -o|--oldpackage option - * other minor improvements * Tue Sep 25 2012 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 4.0-1 - New features - * Ability to work with non-openvz kernel (experimental, see http://wiki.openvz.org/Vzctl_for_upstream_kernel) - * vzlist: add JSON output format (--json flag) - * vzctl compact: implement (to compact ploop image) - * vzctl snapshot: store/restore CT config on snapshot create/switch - * vzctl set: add --mount_opts to set mount options for ploop - * Implement dynamic loading of ploop library - * Implement ability to build w/o ploop headers (./configure --without-ploop) - * Split into vzctl-core and vzctl packages, removed vzctl-lib - * Scripts moved from /usr/lib[64]/vzctl/scripts to /usr/libexec/vzctl - * Added dists/scripts support for Alpine Linux - Fixes - * postcreate.sh: create /etc/resolv.conf with correct owner and perms (#2290) - * vzctl --help: add snapshot* and compact commands - * vzctl set --capability: improve cap setting code, eliminate kernel warning - * vzctl set --quotaugidlimit: fix working for ploop after restart - * vzctl start|enter|exec: eliminate race when checking CT's /sbin/init - * vzlist, vzctl set --save: avoid extra delimiter in features list - * vzlist: return default to always print CTID (use -n for names) (#2308) - * vzmigrate: fix for offline migration of ploop CT (#2316, #2356) - * vzctl.spec: add wget requirement (for vps-download) - * osrelease.conf: add ubuntu-12.04 (#2343) - * init.d/vz-redhat: fix errorneous lockfile removal (#2342) - * suse-add_ip.sh: do not set default route on venet0 when no IPs (#1941) - * arch-del_ip.sh: fixed for /etc/rc.conf case (#2367) - * arch-{add,del}_ip.sh: updated to deal with new Arch netcfg (#2280) - * configure.ac: on an x86_64, install libraries to lib64 - * Build system: fix massively parallel build (e.g. make -j88) - Improvements - * init.d/vz*: stop CTs in the in the reverse order of start (#2330) - * init.d/vz-redhat: add /vz to PRUNEPATHS in /etc/updatedb.conf - * bash-completion: add remote completion for --ostemplate - * bash_completion: complete ploop commands only if supported by the kernel - * vzctl: call set_personality32() for 32-bit CTs on all architectures - * vzctl console: speed up by using bigger buffer - * vzctl chkpnt: fsync dump file - * vzctl mount,destroy,snapshot-list: error out for too many arguments - * vzctl set --diskinodes: warn it's ignored on ploop - * vzctl set --hostname: put ::1 below in CT's /etc/hosts (#2290) - * vzctl set: remove --noatime (obsolete now when relatime is used) - * vzctl snapshot: added check for snapshot guid dup - * vzctl snapshot-delete: fix error code - * vzctl start/stop: print error for non-applicable options - * vzctl status: do not show 'mounted' if stat() on root/private fails - * vzctl status: do not show 'suspended' for running container - * vzctl stop: various minor improvements - * vzlist: add the following new fields: nameserver, searchdomain, vswap, disabled, origin_sample, mount_opts - * vzlist, vzctl status: speed up querying mounted status - * vzlist: faster ploop diskspace info for unmounted case - * vzmigrate: rename --online to --live - * vzmigrate: do not use pv unless -v is specified - * vzmigrate: do not lose ACLs and XATTRS (#2056) - * vzmigrate: dump/restore first-level quota - * switch to new ploop_read_disk_descr() - * is_ploop_supported(): reimplement using /proc/vz/ploop_minor - * Code refactoring, moving vz- and upstream-specific stuff to hooks_{vz,ct}.c - * Various code cleanups * Thu May 31 2012 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 3.3-1 - New features - vzmigrate: ploop live migration using ploop-copy (#2252) - vzctl stop: add --skip-umount flag - vzctl set --ram/--swap: add --force - Bug fixes - fix vzctl and vzlist linking with ld 2.22 - Improvements - vzmigrate: improve timings display, add -t option - bash_completion: for vzctl restart offer running CT IDs * Fri May 18 2012 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 3.2.1-1 - vzctl set: fix processing --ram/--swap options (#2269) - vzctl start: improve err msg for vswap config vs non-vswap kernel (#2263) * Thu May 3 2012 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 3.2-1 - New features - vzctl console now accepts tty number argument - vzctl console: add ESC ! to issue SAK - vzlist: show diskspace/diskinodes usage/limit for ploop CTs - vzlist: add more new fields - layout (simfs/ploop) - private/root (to show VE_PRIVATE and VE_ROOT) - features - smart_ctid (CT name if available, otherwise numeric CTID) - Fixes - vzctl start: ability to start containers with systemd - vzctl set --ram, --swap: default value is now in bytes - vzctl set --save: do not save parameters if failed to apply (#2032) - vzctl restore: fix non-working in-CT quota after restore for ploop case - vzctl restore: do not ignore DUMPDIR value - Fix giving excessive permissions for ugid quota disk device - vzctl console: do not issue SAK on detach (it can kill scripts) - vzctl start: umount ploop image on CT start - vzctl set/start/convert</code: check for max possible ploop size (#2250) - vzlist: do not show UBC from proc for stopped CTs (#2151) - init.d/initd-functions: fixes for dash - vzubc: fix mixed up qheld/qmaxheld (#2238) - vzctl snapshot: resume CT if creating snapshot failed - vzmigrate: skip vzquota ops for ploop-based CTs (related to #2252) - vzmigrate: do not migrate ploop CT if ploop is not available on dst - vzmigrate: do not use --sparse for ploop CTs (related to #2252) - Fix error handling in vps_is_run() (#2243) - Improvements - vps-download: accept relative template cache paths (#2222) - vzlist: use smart_ctid instead of ctid in default output format - vzctl set ram/swap, vzctl start: check if kernel is vswap capable (#2251) - bash_completion: only complete simfs CTs for vzctl convert - bash_completion: only complete ploop CTs for vzctl snapshot* - vzubc: allow -qh/-qm argument to be per cent (if > 1) - vzctl snapshot: removed snapshot-create command alias - vzctl snapshot: add --skip-suspend option - vzctl set --features/--iptables/--capability: ability to specify several comma-separated values at once - vzmigrate: make -vvv add -vv to rsync - Code cleanups - include/*.h: remove non-existent function prototypes - remove NULL checks before free() - some functions marked as static, moved to there they belong - get rid of setup_resource_management() - whitespace nitpicks - Documentation - Add --ram, --swap to vzctl --help output (#2219) - vzctl(8): explain host_mac value for bridge (#2210) - vzctl(8): better description of --quotaugidlimit wrt ploop - vzctl(8): do not use "second-level quota" term - vzctl(8): document ttynum vzctl console argument - vzctl(8): add/improve escape sequences description for vzctl console - vzctl(8): document --reset_ub - vzctl(8): describe --name and --description for vzctl snapshot - vzctl(8): various formatting fixes and improvements - vzmigrate(8): add missing exit codes description - man/toc.man.in: fix Copyright years - vzctl.spec: add changelog * Thu Mar 22 2012 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@openvz.org> - 3.1-1 - New features - preliminary beta support for ploop (aka container-in-a-file) technology - new global config parameter VE_LAYOUT={simfs|ploop} - new vzctl create options --layout and --diskspace - new vzctl convert command to convert from simfs to ploop (not back!) - vzctl mount/umount implemented for ploop case - vzctl set --diskspace does ploop image resize - second-level (quotaugidlimit) quota on ploop/ext4 support - basic snapshot functionality (vzctl snapshot* commands) - support for CT console (vzctl console command) - Fixes - gentoo-add_ip.sh: do not set up venet0 if no IPs (#2077) - vzctl enter: fix garbage output after enter (#2139, #2146) - vzlist: do not exit with 1 if there are no CTs (#2149) - vps-download: fix downloaded template GPG check (#2162) - vps-download: fix to work under dash - vzctl destroy: remove dump file as well (#2163) - init.d/vz: fix grep statement - vzctl restore: fix "container already running" exit code - Improvements - Make the "Failed to set up upstart" message more verbose (#2140) - vzctl create: tell "Creating container" at the right time - vzctl create: show tarball extraction progress using pv (if available) - init.d/vz: Stricter auto-replacement of CONFIGFILE (#2169) - init.d/vz: fix for "we are in container" check - postcreate.sh: add ability to skip crontab time randomization (#2174) - Improve config parsing and its error reporting - vzctl create: improve 'sample config not found' error msg - umount_submounts(): process mounts in reverse order - Documentation - ploop and console documented in appropriate man pages - man/vzctl.8: fix --diskspace description for ploop case - man/vzctl.8: --diskquota, --diskinodes and --quotatime ignored for ploop - some macros that are not available on older systems are now embedded - vzctl man page: simplified SYNOPSYS section - vz.conf(5), vzctl(8): fix/improve description of CONFIGFILE / --config - vzctl --help: fix create options - vz.conf(5), vzctl(8): describe DEF_OSTEMPLATE / --ostemplate - vzctl(8), vzctl --help: add missing --name option to 'create' - vzctl(8): add CTID to commands where it was absent * Wed Jun 13 2007 Andy Shevchenko <andriy@asplinux.com.ua> - 3.0.17-1 - fixed according to Fedora Packaging Guidelines: - use dist tag - added URL tag - use full url for source - changed BuildRoot tag